Autism and your Church
Barbara J Newman
Faith Alive, 2011

Written by Special Education Teacher Barbara Newman, this is a practical guide to including ASD people in your church. There is advice about all manner of areas including
How to gently seek information from the family of an ASD young person so as to prepare most effectively
Use of visual aids
How to respond when behaviour can be hard to manage
Use of schedules and advance warning of transitions in activities
How to deal with concrete interpretation of instructions by an ASD young person
Supporting a family with an ASD young person
There are frequent short case stories which illustrate the points very effectively. It is clearly laid out, with lots of sub headings, allowing for easy navigation, meaning you don’t have to read the whole book to find the particular advice. There is also a section of reproducible resources at the back of the book which can be photocopied for use in the local church.
Overall this is a helpful practical guide book on things to consider when welcoming a young person with ASD in a church setting.